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The Book Thief: Includes a chapter from his new book BRIDGE OF CLAY (Black Swan) 10,26 € En stock.
The Book Thief: Includes a chapter from his new book BRIDGE OF CLAY (Black Swan) de Markus Zusak | 14 junio 2018. 4,6 de 5 estrellas 16.286. Tapa blanda 10,26 ...
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The Book Thief: Includes a chapter from his new book BRIDGE OF CLAY (Black Swan) The Book Thief: Includes a chapter from his new book BRIDGE OF CLAY (Black Swan) Precio : 10,26 € En stock. Burning Up (Fire) Burning Up (Fire) Precio : 1,29 € Disponible para descargar ya. ...
The Book Thief: Includes a chapter from his new book BRIDGE OF CLAY (Black Swan)
The Book Thief: Includes a chapter from his new book BRIDGE OF CLAY (Black Swan) Markus Zusak. 4,6 de un máximo de 5 estrellas 16.297. Tapa blanda. 10,26 € #29. GUERRA Y PAZ LEON TOLSTOI. 3,5 de un máximo de 5 estrellas 118. Versión Kindle. 1,69 € #30. Un saco de canicas (Best Seller) Joseph Joffo. 4,6 de un máximo de 5 estrellas 274. Tapa blanda. 3 ofertas desde 8,50 € #31. The End ...
The Bone Season, the first in a seven-book series, was a New York Times bestseller and the inaugural Today Book Club selection. Her next novel, The Priory of the Orange Tree, was published in February 2019 and became a New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller.
I must recognise, that David Losdge writes rather well, and he is a perfect Professor of Literary Theory. The topics, which he speaks are well chosen. It is a good point the division of the chapters in fifty chapters. The book is really good translated to spanish.
An odd jumble of ideas barely grounded in reality, this book attempts to be poetic and meaningful but twists in on itself to become a vague, pointless mess. I have enjoyed Kate DiCamillo's work in the past and respect her as an author, but this book was too vague and strange to satisfy me.
Red and yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world. "How beautiful it ought to remain for these 2 children so that they would never become racists or haters of any of our neighbors in the world of mankind. Chapter '''Cry about the simple hell people give other people- without even thinking. Cry about the hell white people give colored folks, without even stopping to think that they're people, too.
If I have noticed anything about Steven Erikson's writing after reading the first two books in The Malazan Book of the Fallen series, it's that he doesn't do anything halfway. In Deadhouse Gates we are transported to a new continent, Seven Cities, and an almost entire new cast of characters. There are a few familiar faces from GotM, but not ...
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Swift fue el más importante escritor de su tiempo en lengua inglesa y uno de los más grandes satíricos que hayan existido. Su obra maestra, Viajes a varios lugares remotos del planeta, titulada popularmente como Los Viajes de Gulliver, fue publicada como anónima en 1726 y obtuvo un éxito inmediato.
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Ninor-san is a fanfiction author that has written 131 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Avatar: Last Airbender, Codename: Kids Next Door, Tsubasa Chronicle, Lord of the Rings, Ned's Declassified SSG, Drake & Josh, Chronicles of Narnia, Digimon, Kobato/こばと。, iCarly, Naruto, Glee, Boys Before Flowers/꽃보다 남자, Star Trek: 2009, School 2013/학교 2013, Heirs/왕관을 쓰려는자 ...
Kurokami-Snow is a fanfiction author that has written 10 stories for Frozen, Harry Potter, Brave, 2012, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
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A project of the Humanities Council SC benefiting the South Carolina Book Festival, this new edition of Claws is illustrated in handsome charcoal etchings by Southern artist Stephen Chesley. Award-winning outdoors writer and noted Rutledge scholar Jim Casada provides the volume's introduction and retired South Carolina conservation officer Ben ...
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One of Kafka's best-known works, it tells the story of a man arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority, with the nature of his crime revealed neither to him nor the Kafka's other novels, The Trial was never completed, although it does include a chapter which brings the story to an end. Ver más
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